An Introduction of MIEA's activitiesand general lifestyle information (4Editions per year)
We are looking for non-english nativehigh school students to participate inthis contest.
Matsudo MunicipalTheatre
Do you want to experience meditationwhile exercising?
Kite Mite MatsudoPlaza Square
MIEA will provide partial subsidies forvolunteer citizen organisations thatare connected with InternationalExchange and Collaboration activities
While Strolling around the Ueno Parkarea, appreciate a wide variety ofSakura.
Ueno Park
Using the grammar learnt in Beginner1, let's enjoy speaking in Korean.
Kokusai YuukoRoom
Using simple grammar, let's try speaki
Kokusai YuukoRoom
~ Part 2! Let's Be Friends withSherlock Holmes! ~ Decode the storyof the mystery novel 'Adventures ofSherlock Holmes', discuss theintrigue and the culprits throughdeduction.
Matsudo CityTourism Association2F Hall
Do you want to experience meditationwhile exercising?
Kitemite MatsudoPlaza Square
A beginner Japanese class forforeigners (a joint project withMatsudo City and Matsudo CityJapanese Volunteer Association).Childcare support available.
Kokusai YuukoRoom
Learn immediately usefulIntermediate Japanese for workrelated purposes.
Learn simple greetings and everydayChinese in an enjoyable way.
Kokusai YuukoRoom
Barista Rino from Matsudo's popularcoffee shop MAHAMERU COFFEEwill teach about coffee and how tobrew it well.
Matsudo CivicCentre Room 102
Learn about Germany in a fun waythrough various themes, focusing onconversation. Further classesplanned for autumn.
Matsudo CityTourism Association2F Hall
Seeking volunteers to introduce theirown country's culture, arts, andcustoms, as well as those ofcountries they have stayed in.
Do you want to experience meditation while exercising?
A 9¡§00¡Á10¡§00 Gender Equality Center Yu Matsudo
B 9¡§00¡Á10¡§00 Matsudo city Workers' Hall
The Pride of my Country
Various presenters will be talking about the great parts of their own country!
Kokusai Yuuko Room
Each lesson, we will practice "watching, listening, writing, and speaking" based on a specific theme.
Matsudo City Tourism Association2F Hall
Would you like to interact "casually,""freely," and "enjoyably" with nativespeakers?
Bunka Hall
An Introduction of MIEA:s activitiesand general lifestyle information (4Editions per year)
MIEA's Annual Report
Do you want to experience meditation while exercising?
Matsudo city Workers' Hall
A Japanese class for beginners who have completed the introductory level classes, focusing on caregiving.
Kokusai Yuuko Room
Wanagaya Sports Centre
Let's make Pakistani cuisine together!
Matsudo Civic Center
Let's make Taiwanese cuisine together!
Matsudo Civic Center
Learn English communication skills and expressions through dance and fun games
Matsudo Civic Center
Each lesson, we will practice "watching, listening, writing, and speaking" based on a specific theme.
Matsudo City Tourism Association2F Hall
Would you like to try and make a traditional Japanese Lantern?
Yashima Chochin Shoten
Do you want to experiencemeditation while exercising?
Kitemite Matsudo Plaza Square
Kokusai Yuuko Room
Each lesson, we will practice "watching, listening, writing, and speaking" based on a specific theme.
Matsudo City Tourism
Association 2F Hall
High school students will Give speeches expressing their opinions in English
Matsudo Municipal Theatre Hall
Explanation of the dispatch program to our sister city (Whitehorse, Victoria,Australia).
Matsudo Municipal Theatre ConferenceRoom
Exchange ideas with native speakers in English and Chinese (Taiwanese) ina casual and enjoyable manner.
Bunka Hall
Entrustment ceremony for those chosen as "Matsudo International Cultural Ambassadors" for the period of September 2024 to September 2025.
Matsudo Civic Hall
Do you want to experience meditation while exercising?
Kitemite Matsudo Plaza Square
Kokusai Yuuko Room
Learn simple greetings and everyday Chinese in an enjoyable way.
Kokusai Yuuko Room
In the heart of Nagareyama on the famous Ryutetsu train cars, enjoy the Ibunka while listening to music, eating delicious food, and most of all drinking beer at the Nagareyama Beer Train event.
Beginner Japanese for foreigners (a joint project with Matsudo City Japanese Volunteer Association).
Kokusai Yuuko Room
Use grammar learned in Beginner I to enjoy speaking Korean.
Kokusai YuukoRoom
Use basic grammar to practice dialogue.
Kokusai Yuuko Room
Provides information about the association's activities and living information. (Published 4 times ayear)
Learn about Germany in a fun way through various themes, focusing on conversation.
Matsudo City Tourism Association 2F Hall
Do you want to experience meditation while exercising?
Gender Equality Center Yu Matsudo
Kite Mite Matsudo Plaza Square
Each lesson, we will practice "watching, listening, writing, and speaking" based on a specific theme.
Matsudo city Workers' Hall
We will run a booth that provides information to help international understanding and promote awareness of our association's activities.
An opportunity to introduce rich cultures from around the world and experience different cultures.
Matsudo CivicCentre
Would you like to interact with native speakers "casually," "freely," and"enjoyably"?
Bunka Hall
Learn immediately usefulIntermediate Japanese for workrelated purposes.
Do you want to experience meditation while exercising?
Kitemite Matsudo Plaza
Let's make Nigerian cuisine together!
Matsudo Civic Center
Each lesson, we will practice "watching, listening, writing, and speaking" based on a specific theme.
Matsudo city Workers' Hall
Mountain climbing of Mt. Mitake
Conducting a day trip as a venue for exchange between Japanese and foreigners.
Ride the scenic railway through the red leafed Watarase Valley, passing through the Ashio Copper Mine and then finishing with a sightseeing tour of the Oya historical Museum.
Primary English conversation class
Kokusai Yuko Room
MIEA World Tour
and Cooking Vietnamese Home Party Cuisine
Matsudo Civic Center
Exchange ideas with native speakersin English and Chinese (Taiwanese) in a casual and enjoyable manner.
Bunka Hall
Recruiting period for people who live,work, or study in Matsudo City and its surrounding areas.
Matsudo Municipal Theatre
Do you want to experiencemeditation while exercising?
Kitemitte MatsudoPlaza
An event to facilitate culturalexchange between Japanese peopleand foreigners. Includes various
Mori no Hall 21,Reception Hall
Provides information on MIEA'sactivities and general lifestyleinformation. (Published quarterly)
Learn about Germany in a fun way through various themes, focusing on conversation.
Do you want to experiencemeditation while exercising?
Kitemitte MatsudoPlaza
Beginner Japanese for foreigners (ajoint project with Matsudo CityJapanese Volunteer Association).
Kokusai YuukoRoom
Exchange ideas with native speakersin English and Chinese (Taiwanese) ina casual and enjoyable manner.
Bunka Hall
A healing/aromatic experience to relieve stress
Matsudo Civic Centre Room201
Do you want to experience meditation while exercising?
Kite Mite Matsudo Plaza Square
Lessons focusing on the specific themes of¡ÖWatching¡¦Listening¡¦Reading¡¦Speaking¡×
Kokusai Yuuko Room
The Barista of the famous Matsudo Coffee Store Mahameru Coffee will talk about and teach participants how to brew a delicious coffee. Matsudo Civic Hall Cooking Room 102
Learn about the birth of, the proliferation, and then the spread to Japan of popular American Sports.
Kokusai Yuuko Room
Engage in casual and free flowing conversation with native speakers.
Inside Matsudo Bunka Hall
Salon Space
A Japanese speech contest forforeigners, allowing them to expresstheir feelings and what they want toconvey about Japan in order topromote mutual understanding andfriendship. A social gathering isscheduled after the award ceremony.
Matsudo MunicipalTheatre Hall
Do you want to experiencemeditation while exercising?
Kite Mite MatsudoPlaza Square
A collaborative project with MatsudoCity, dispatching middle and highschool students to the sister cities,Whitehorse City in Victoria, Australia,and Santa Clarita City in California,USA. This program promotes newinter-city exchanges and fostersinternational understanding anddiverse youth through activities such